Featured Reports

Labor in Houston

Hampering worker power and unions in Texas is the “right to work” state framework imposed by conservative politicians and corporate donors. This framework – while not directly banning unions – foments a “free choice” ideology that unions are somehow restrictive to worker’s rights while…

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Funder Recommendations in Nashville

We offer 10 recommendations spurred by the interviews, learning, and dialogue in Nashville, with the hopes that these can better support the critical – yet radically under-resourced work – redefining Nashville’s economy to work for all its participants. 1. For national and local funders…

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Resourcing Rural New York

Rural community organizations have been key to affecting statewide progressive policy change in New York State. It will take dedicated and coordinated efforts by many individuals and organizations over the long term to achieve transformational change. Organizers say it is important to maintain funding…

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